Alantea projects

Here is the graph of existing projects from jrebillat for

The projects are :

Project Notes
utils contains - and will contain more - utilities classes used by the other Alantea packages.
liteprops Simple Properties management to replace - but simpler - the javafx property mechanism.
storex Simple XML storage read / write tool.
tools Useful java tools.
Horizon Event and Message driven tools for applications.
viewml ViewML is a simple XML classes description - for GUI and more - system based on Java classes.
glide Simple Entity-relation graph-based database based on a storex XML storage.
swingplus Swing addons.
judith Judith is a basic embeddable text editor based on JTextPane and net.alantea.swingplus.
glideui Glide Gui helper classes.
clazora Clazora is a simple, embeddable, task management tool written in Java.
clazoragui Clazora Gui helper classes.
docwork Generic API for working with text documents. Currently implements connections with ODT and DOCX files.